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How to be a Christian

Ye must be born again! (John 3:7)

Before you get deliverance, before you embark on the spiritual warfare adventure, Jesus said you must be born again, saved, have eternal life in Jesus. So, what must I do to be saved? (Acts 16:30) And Paul and Silas told him (Acts 16:31) Believe on (in) Jesus Christ. Believe He is God. He died on the Cross for you, and that, by His blood, your sins can be fully washed away. (Romans 10:8-10) You believe in your heart, in Jesus, and you confess that belief with your mouth and you shall be saved for all eternity. Salvation in Jesus is a free gift; you cannot earn it. You could never be good enough on your own, nor could you atone for your own sins, faults, failures. (Ephesians 2:8-9 Here is a sample prayer you could pray to be born again, reborn spiritually; a new creature in Christ. (II Corinthians 5:17):


"Jesus, I believe in You, that You are God, and that You are MY Savior. Forgive me for my sins. Wash me in Your precious blood that You shed for me. I give You my life; it is Yours from this day forward. I confess with my mouth, and believe in my heart, that You are MY Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me and cleansing me of all sin. Amen." That's it! You are a Christian! It is simple, not complicated. So, if I don't see you here, I will see you when we are with Jesus; forever and we can rejoice together. Now, it is time to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus. It can be found in God's Word to you, the Bible. Get one and read it daily, and talk to Jesus daily as well.


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